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Monday, 19 September 2016

Letter for You ...


Aslaamu alykum,
I hope you are okay sister/brother. I am writing this letter to show you that you have not been forgotten. Even with that being the case, you must remember, oh my sister/brother that Allah (swt) is with you always and closer to you than your own jugular vein. Look after yourself for the One who created you gave you your body and soul as a sacred trust and as a means to get closer to him. Know that these days will pass and you will see how insignificant these moments are, when you stand before your Lord and the oppressed will have their fair share and the oppressors will have theirs likewise.
Time seems to stand still in times of adversity but know that every second and every heartbeat brings you closer to your Lord, who loves His slaves and is awaiting their return. As day and night alternate, know that good and bad are a consistent cycle in this life and that neither can remain forever, the only thing that is assured is the distance between your Lord, the closer you are to Him the joyous you will remain and the distant you are from Him the more ruined you will become until you are forgotten.
So, oh my sister/brother, strive with the time you have, no matter the environment or condition you are kept in, for the hardship and toil you go through in this life, you will surely harvest in the next. Oh my sister/brother know that your freedom is not only freedom of the body but freedom of the soul and the latter you can attain as long as you are able to distinguish right from wrong. Pray and be patient for Allah (swt) is with those who are patient and know that the victory of Allah (swt) is promised and Allah (swt) never breaks His promise.


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