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Friday, 19 December 2014

O Muslim, be Muslim


Dear brother/sister Muslim:

You are the representative of God on Earth.

O Muslim, you have been given access to a gift of knowledge and guidance that the majority blind *themselves* from. This leads to huge responsibility. You will either save yourself or destroy yourself with that gift, and then, destroy the people around you as well.

O Muslim, you are your own best friend, and you are your own worst enemy.

O Muslim, changing the world starts by conquering your "self". Once you transform, and swap hate and abuse for love and respect, then those around you will also transform. Your decision in the beginning, affects the conclusion in the end. Don't look to those who murder children of their own brothers and sisters, and believe it came from nowhere. Swearing and abusing one another, judging your brother's/sister's intentions, are all the beginnings of the dehumanisation process. What starts off as words, ends with blood. Once de-humanisation is complete and only an animal remains, then being slaughtered like one is more possible than you might imagine.

O Muslim, never underestimate the importance of respect and good conduct with those who you disagree with. Be very careful how you address one another. For sticks and stones may break his bones, but words really hurt too.

O Muslim, you will get prodded and provoked here and there by external agents, and once lit, you have ferocious energy to burn like the Sun. Yet, you can either light up the world - with guidance - or light up the world - and burn it down.

O Muslim, be Muslim.

- Abu Eesa


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